Week 7 and 8
We had sooooo much fun these past few weeks. Lots of end of the year performace preperations and we can't wait to show you all we've...
Week 5 and 6
This week we learned about Spain. We learned about the Running of the Bulls and the La Tomatina. We all decided we'd like to go there in...
Week 3 and 4
Happy 4th of July! We have had so much fun these past few weeks. We did lots of 4th of July things. The younger kids made 4th of July...
Week 2
This week we learned all about China. We learned about Chinese New Year and the story of Nian the dragon and how Chinese New Year came to...
First week of Summer PAWS
This first week has been such a wonderful week!!! We played lots of games to get to know everyone, we went to the park, we rode the big...